Star Fox

Developed by Shigeru Miyamoto.

The core elements of Star Fox include:

  • On-rails 3D shooter and flight simulator

  • Alternate paths

The Star Fox series can be categorized as:

  • Mainline Flight Sims

  • Others

Star Fox 64 Trilogy consists of:

  • Star Fox 64

  • Star Fox Adventure

  • Star Fox: Assault

Flight Sims

Star Fox 64 (1997)

On Corneria, the fourth planet of the Lylat system, the scientist Andross is driven to madness and nearly destroys the planet using biological weapons. General Pepper of the Cornerian army exiles Andross to the remote planet Venom. Five years later, Pepper detects suspicious activity on Venom. Pepper hires the Star Fox team (including James McCloud, Peppy Hare, and Pigma Dengar) to investigate. After Pigma betrays the team, Andross captures James and Peppy however Peppy is able to escape and informs James's son Fox McCloud about his father's fate.

A few years later, Andross launches an attack across the Lylat system. Defending Corneria, Pepper summons the new Star Fox team, now consisting of the team leader Fox, Peppy, Falco Lombardi, and Slippy Toad.

While traveling through several planets, the team battles with several of Andross' henchmen, including the rival mercenary team Star Wolf which consists of Wolf O’Donnell, Pigma, Leon Powalski, and Andrew Oikonny (nephew of Andross). The Star Fox team also assist and receive assistance from Katt Monroe and Bill Grey on various missions.

Eventually the team arrives at Venom, where the Star Fox team battles the Star Wolf team once again before Fox confronts Andross alone. Fox reveals Andross' true form as that of a floating brain, and finally destroys him. Shortly before his death, Andross activates his base's self-destruct system in a last-ditch attempt to kill Fox. However, his father James appears and guides Fox out of the exploding base before disappearing again.

Fox returns with his team to Corneria for a victory celebration. Pepper offers Fox the opportunity to join the Cornerian Army, but he declines and the team departs.


To Unlock the True Ending: there are 2 endings are available depending on how Fox approaches Venom and defeats Andross.

  • The Easy route ending occurs through Bolse to Venom. Fox destroys a robotic version of Andross, leaving Andross himself drifting in the Lylat system.

  • In the Hard route ending occurs through Area 6 to Venom.

Alternate Paths: Star Fox 64 features alternate paths and warps that can lead to different routes throughout the main campaign mode.

  • Corneria

    • Save Falco and fly through 7 archways over the water -> Sector Y

  • Sector Y

    • Shoot down 100 enemies -> Aquas

  • Zoness

    • Destroy all spotlights without being spotted -> Sector Z

  • Sector Z

    • Destroy all 6 missiles

  • Meteo

    • Fly through all 7 warp rings -> Warps to Katina

  • Fichina

    • Defeat Star Wolf and disarm the bomb -> Solar

  • Sector X

    • Take the left path and pass through all 4 warp gates -> Warp to Sector Z

  • Katina

    • Destroy the Mothership -> Solar

  • Sector X

    • Defeat the boss Spyborg quickly before Slippy is knocked down -> Macbeth

  • Macbeth

    • Shoot all 8 railroad switches and the railroad switcher to change the train path -> Area 6

Receive Help from Bill or Katt:

  • Destroy the Mothership in Katina and Bill will help in Sector X or Solar

  • Save Katt in Zoness and Katt will help in Macbeth or Sector Z

To Unlock Expert Mode: to unlock Expert Mode, the player must earn all 15 medals. Expert Mode also dons Fox with sunglasses during cutscenes which references the sunglasses his dad wears.

To Unlock an Alternate Title Screen: to unlock the alternate title screen, the player must earn all 15 medals on Expert Mode.

Star Fox: Assault (2005)

Takes place 1 year after the events of Star Fox Adventures and 9 years after the events of Star Fox 64.

After the death of his uncle Andross, Andrew Oikonny assumes leadership of the planet Venom's remaining troops and begins a rebellion. General Pepper orders an attack on Oikonny's forces, hiring the Star Fox team to assist the Cornerian Army. The Star Fox team consists of Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Krystal (from Star Fox Adventures) with Peppy providing tactical support with ROB 64 from the Great Fox, their mothership.

During the battle, Oikonny's flagship is destroyed by an insectoid creature, which attacks the Star Fox team. After Fox destroys the creature, he recovers its damaged Core Memory unit and turns it over to Beltino, Slippy’s father, for research. Beltino explains the creature is a member of a race of robotic insectoids called Aparoids, one of which ravaged the Cornerian fleet 17 years prior. Fearing an invasion, Beltino asks Star Fox to recover an undamaged Core Memory so that they might find a way to stop the Aparoids.

Lured by a false distress signal, the Star Fox team are deceived by Pigma, who tricks them into destroying a giant Aparoid so he can steal its Core Memory and sell it on the black market. Wishing to find Pigma, the team attack the base of his former cohorts, Star Wolf, which consists of Wolf, Leon, and new member Panther. Panther reveals Pigma’s hideout location. However, by the time Team Star Fox arrive to Pigma's hideaway, he has already been infected by the Aparoids and they are forced to kill him. The Memory Unit Pigma had stolen is then sent to Beltino for analysis.

Star Fox prevent an Aparoid assault on Sauria with Fox and Krystal reuniting with Tricky for a brief time. Meanwhile, Corneria is left nearly defenseless, with the Aparoids breaching the planet and infecting General Pepper. The team returns to contain the threat, aided by the unexpected arrival of Star Wolf, who seek to eliminate their common enemy. They defeat an infected General Pepper.

Beltino uses the Core Memory to locate the Aparoid Homeworld, and discovers their vulnerability to apoptosis. He creates a program which, if fired into the Aparoid Queen, will force all Aparoids to self-destruct. Star Fox and Star Wolf travel to the Aparoid Homeworld, only to discover the planet's core is blocked by a regenerative shield.

With the Great Fox becoming infected, Peppy and ROB crash it into the shield to create an opening for the two teams to enter. While Star Wolf takes care of the remaining Aparoid forces, Fox and his allies reach the planet's core. The Aparoid Queen attempts to use the voices of Peppy, Pepper, Pigma and James McCloud to deceive them into joining her, but the team is undeterred. After a long battle, Fox launches the self-destruct program into the Queen, but she resists it and attempts to escape to create an antibody. The team deals the final blow to the Queen, killing her and causing the self-destruction of the planet and all the Aparoids. Successfully evacuating, the Star Fox team reunite with Peppy and ROB, who survived the crash via an escape pod and reveal the other infectees have been cured, including General Pepper. Satisfied, Fox thanks his friends as they head for home.

Star Fox Zero (2016)

A reboot of Star Fox 64

General Pepper of the Cornerian army sends the elite fighter squadron Star Fox to investigate strange activities on planet Venom which become the base of operations for Andross, a crazed and banished scientist. Star Fox consists of ex-Cornerian flying ace James McCloud, Peppy Hare, and Pigma Dengar who 'volunteered' for the assignment.

Turns out, Pigma was working for Andross the whole time. Pigma betrayed Peppy and James, and led them straight into a trap. In the chaos that followed, James sacrificed himself to create a diversion so Peppy could escape. Barely making it home with his life, Peppy knew it fell upon him to report the courageous last moments of James McCloud. At the same time, he delivered the news that Andross had amassed a terrifyingly huge army, and intended to conquer the entire Lylat System... And so began the Lylat Wars.

5 years later, Fox McCloud, son of James McCloud, is the leader of Star Fox along with Slippy Toad, Falco Lombardi, and Peppy Hare.

5 years have passed. The battle between the Cornerian army and Andross's forces is spreading to every planet in the Lylat System.

That brings us to today. While en route to planet Corneria, we received an urgent message from General Pepper. Apparently, Andross's army appeared out of nowhere, and launched a full-scale attack on our once peaceful capital. Now's our chance to honor my father's legacy and restore the Star Fox name.


Unlock the Falco and Retro Arwings: to unlock the black Falco Arwing and Retro Arwing, the player must obtain all 70 medals. An alternative way to use these 2 Arwings is via Amiibo (Falco and Fox respectively)

Reward for Collecting All 70 Medals: collecting all 70 medals unlocks the Falco and Retro Arwings without requiring Amiibo support.




Inside Out 2 (2024)