Developed by Satoshi Tajiri and Game Freak with artwork by Ken Sugimori.
Core elements of Pokémon include:
Catching, training, and battling Pokémon in turn-based battles
Defeating Gym Leaders for Gym Badges
Two versions of the same Pokémon game which have version-exclusive Pokémon which encourages player interactions for trading and battling which utilizes the Link Cable
Completion of the Pokédex
The Pokémon series can be categorized into:
Core Series which is categorized into Generations and includes enhanced ports and remakes
Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Legends
Core Series
Pokémon Red / Blue (1996) (Generation I)
An enhanced version Pokémon Yellow was released on the Gameboy.
A remake Pokémon FireRed / LeafGreen was released on the GBA and is based on the Gen III engine. It includes additional post-game content The Sevii Islands.
Pokémon Silver / Gold (1999) (Generation II)
An enhanced version Pokémon Crystal was released on the GBA.
A remake Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver was released on the 3DS and is based on the Gen IV engine. It includes additional post-game content.
Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire (2002) (Generation III)
An enhanced version Pokémon Emerald was released on the GBA.
A remake Pokémon OmegaRuby / AlphaSapphire was released on the 3DS and is based on the Gen V engine. It includes additional post-game content.
Yellow (1999)
An enhanced version of Pokémon Red/Blue with features that relate to the Pokémon cartoon:
Starter Pokemon is Pikachu which is the only Pikachu in the game. This Pikachu can not be evolved, follows the player around (rather than in a Pokeball) and it’s emotions can be checked using the Pokedex.
The player’s rival has a starter Pokemon that is an Eevee who will evolve into one of it’s different evolutions depend on whether the player wins or loses the battles with him throughout the game.
Team Rocket’s Jesse and James from the Pokemon anime appear and replace several of the Team Rocket battles.
Pikachu's Beach is a minigame which can be accessed by talking to the surfer in the house on Route 19 with a Pikachu who knows surf.
A surfing Pikachu can be obtained from Pokemon Stadium by completing the Prime Cup in the Master Ball division using only Pokemon selected directly from a Game Pak including a Pikachu, not saving the game during the challenge, and must ensure Pikachu participates in the final battle. Following the final battle, the option will be given to teach Pikachu the move Surf.
Using HM Surf with a Pikachu who knows surf, results in a special sprite showing Pikachu surfing on a surfboard.
Red is an 11 year old boy who has just started his journey as a Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town, on the same day as Green, who is Red's rival and the grandson of the local authority on Pokémon, Professor Oak. Oak lets the two boys choose a first partner Pokémon—a choice from the Grass-type Bulbasaur, the Fire-type Charmander, or the Water-type Squirtle.
Stopping in Viridian City's Poké Mart, Red is asked to deliver Oak’s Parcel to Professor Oak which is revealed to be a pair of Pokédex. Oak gives both Red and Green a Pokédex and asks them to use it to study and find new Pokémon with the goal to catch all the Pokémon in the region.
From here, Red travels across the Kanto region to complete the Pokédex, battle Gym Leaders and collect Gym Badges in order to challenge the Elite Four and become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, Red encounters his rival, the criminal organization Team Rocket who commit criminal acts and Team Rocket leader Giovanni.
To Obtain the Itemfinder: to obtain the Itemfinder, the player must capture 30 Pokemon in their Pokedex and meet Oak’s Aide on Route 11 on the 2nd floor of the lookout station.
To Obtain the Exp Share: to obtain the Exp Share, the player must capture 50 Pokemon in their Pokedex and meet Oak’s Aide on Route 15 on the 2nd floor of the lookout station.
To Obtain Bulbasaur: to obtain Bulbasaur, the player must speak to a girl in Cerulean City who will offer her Bulbasaur if the player’s Pikachu is in good spirits.
To Obtain Charmander: to obtain Charmander, the player must speak to a trainer after the Nugget Bridge who will give Charmander.
To Obtain Squirtle: to obtain Squirtle, the player must speak to Officer Jenny in Vermillion City after obtaining the Thunder Badge.
To Obtain Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan: to obtain Hitmonlee or Hitmonachan, the player must defeat the Karate King at the Fighting Dojo Gym in Saffron City.
To Obtain Eevee: to obtain Eevee, the player must enter the back entrance of Celadon Mansion and acquire the Pokeball containing Eevee.
To Obtain Lapras: to obtain Lapras, the player must talk to the scientist after defeating their rival at Silph Co.
To Obtain Old Amber and Aerodactyl: to obtain Aerodactyl, the player must obtain HM Cut which allows the player to obtains the Old Amber from the Pewter Museum of Science via a back entrance.
To Obtain Kabuto or Omanyte: to obtain Kabuto or Omanyte, the player must take either the Helix Fossil (Omanyte) or Dome Fossil (Kabuto) to the Cinnabar Lab on Cinnabar Island who will restore the fossil into its respective Pokemon.
To Unlock Cerulean Cave / Battle Mewtwo: to unlock the Cerulean Cave which allows access to encounter Mewtwo, the player must defeat the Elite Four.
FireRed & LeafGreen (2004)
A remake of Pokémon Red/Blue which utilizes the Gen III engine and mechanics as well as additional in-game and post-game content.
The Sevii Islands
To Obtain the Everstone: to obtain the Everstone, the player must capture 20 Pokemon in their Pokedex and meet Oak’s Aide on Route 10 on the 1st floor of the Pokecenter.
To Obtain the Amulet Coin: to obtain the Amulet Coin, the player must capture 40 Pokemon in their Pokedex and meet Oak’s Aide on Route 16 on the 2nd floor of the lookout station.
To Obtain Frenzy Plant / Blast Burn / Hydro Cannon: to obtain one of these powerful starter Pokemon moves, the player must talk to the old woman at Cape Brink on Two Island with the players starter Pokemon at high happiness.
To Encounter Raikou / Entei / Suicine: the player must complete the Sevii Islands post-game content by obtaining the Ruby and Sapphire for Celio. Depending on which starter Pokemon the player selects, Raikou / Entei / Suicine will begin roaming the Kanto region.
To Obtain Togepi: the player must travel to the Water Labryinth and talk to an elderly gentleman who will gift the player with a mysterious egg which will hatch into Togepi.
To Unlock Cerulean Cave / Encounter Mewtwo: to unlock the Cerulean Cave which allows access to encounter Mewtwo, the player must defeat the Elite Four and complete the Sevii Islands post-game content by obtaining the Ruby and Sapphire for Celio.
Event Pokemon:
Aurora Ticket / Deoxys: allows the player to travel to Birth Island via the Seagallop Ferry where they must complete a puzzle that involves chasing a black triangle around the island utilizing the shortest amount of movements which results in an encounter with Deoxys. Deoxys will revert to Attack Form in FireRed or Defense Form in LeafGreen once captured.
Mystic Ticket / Lugia & Ho-Oh: allows the player to travel to Navel Rock via the Seagallop Ferry to encounter Lugia and Ho-Oh.
Crystal (2001)
An enhanced version of Pokémon Gold/Silver that features additional content:
Additional story content throughout the game that focuses on Suicine and a new NPC Eusine.
Female selectable character named Kris.
Pokemon animations upon entering battle.
The Battle Tower is now present near Olivine City.
Move Tutor who is Bill’s father and can teach Flamethrower, Ice Beam, or Thunderbolt.
Utilizes the Mobile Adapter GB to access the Pokemon Communication Center which allowed for wireless trading with other players and special download events such as the GS Ball event. This was only available in Japan.
GS Ball / Celebi Event.
Three years after the events of Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow.
In New Bark Town, Gold is called to Professor Elm's lab to run an errand. Elm provides Gold with one of three starter Pokémon: Grass-type Chikorita, Fire-type Cyndaquil, or Water-type Totodile to help him reach Mr. Pokémon's house. Gold meets Kanto's own Professor Oak during the errand for Elm. Oak sees that Elm gave Gold a Pokemon and gifts him a Pokédex while Mr. Pokemon gives Gold the Mystery Egg to bring to Professor Elm.
On the way back, Gold battles Silver who was previously spying on Professor Elm’s lab. Upon Gold’s return to New Bark Town, he is informed that someone i.e. Silver has broken into Professor Elm's lab and has stolen a Pokémon, the same Pokémon that Silver battled with. Seeing that Oak gave Gold a Pokédex, Elm then encourages him to start his Pokemon journey into becoming the Champion.
From here, Gold travels across the Johto region to battle Gym Leaders and collect Gym Badges in order to challenge the Elite Four and become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, Gold encounters his rival Silver and the remnants of Team Rocket who are attempting to find Giovanni and resurrect Team Rocket.
To Obtain Dratini with Extreme Speed: to obtain Dratini, the player must defeat Clair and undergo the test in the Dragon’s Den. If the player answers correctly, stating that Pokémon are friends, rather than tools, they will receive a special Dratini with the special move of Extremespeed. If the player answers that Pokémon are just tools, they’ll receive a Dratini without Extremespeed.
To Obtain Lapras: to obtain Lapras, the player must travel to the bottom of Union Cave on Fridays.
To Obtain Togepi: to obtain Togepi, the player must go to the Violet City Pokemon Center after defeating Falkner and one of Professor Birch’s assistant will give the player an egg that will hatch into Togepi.
To Obtain Eevee: to obtain Eevee, the player must talk to Bill in Goldenrod City after meeting him in Ecruteak City. He will gift Eevee.
To Obtain Shuckle: to obtain Shuckle, the player must talk to an NPC in Cianwood City who will gift Shuckle.
To Obtain Tyrogue: to obtain Tyrogue, the player must defeat the Karate Master on Mt. Mortar who will gift Tyrogue.
Odd Egg: if the player talks to the Day Care Man, he will receive the Odd Egg which can hatch into any of the baby Pokemon (Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid, or Magby) with the special move Dizzy Punch.
To Encounter Lugia: to encounter Lugia the player must talk to an old man in Pewter City to obtain the Silver Wing and travel to the bottom of Whirl Island where Lugia resides.
To Unlock the Tin Tower / Encounter Ho-Oh: to unlock the Tin Tower and battle Ho-Oh, the player must capture Suicine, Entei, and Raikou which allows entry to the Tin Tower and the player receives the Rainbow Wing from the Wise Trio. Travel to the top of Tin Tower to encounter Ho-Oh.
Event Pokemon:
GS Ball / Celebi: once the player obtains a GS Ball from an attendant at the Pokemon Center in Goldenrod City, they can bring it to Kurt in Azalea Town to have him inspect it. The next day, Kurt will notice something strange happening in Ilex Forest and return the GS Ball to the player. Take the GS Ball to the shrine and place it in the shrine in order to battle Celebi.
HeartGold / SoulSilver (2009)
A remake of Pokemon Silver / Gold which utilizes the Gen IV engine and mechanics as well as additional in-game and post-game content.
The first Pokémon in the player’s party will follow the player outside of their Pokéball.
Utilizes the PokéWalker peripheral.
Pokéathlon and Aprijuice.
Cliff’s Edge Gate on the west side of Cianwood City which leads through Cliff Cave to the Johto Safari Zone.
Embedded Tower which is located on Route 47.
Battle Frontier (same as Pokémon Platinum Battle Frontier) located north of Route 40.
Events featuring Arceus and the Sinjoh Ruins, Celebi and Ilex Forest, and Pikachu-colored Pichu.
To Obtain Dratini with Extreme Speed: to obtain Dratini, the player must defeat Clair and undergo the test in the Dragon’s Den. If the player answers correctly, stating that Pokémon are friends, rather than tools, they will receive a special Dratini with the special move of Extremespeed. If the player answers that Pokémon are just tools, they’ll receive a Dratini without Extremespeed.
To Obtain Lapras: to obtain Lapras, the player must travel to the bottom of Union Cave on Fridays.
To Obtain Togepi: to obtain Togepi, the player must go to the Violet City Pokemon Center after defeating Falkner and one of Professor Birch’s assistant will give the player an egg that will hatch into Togepi.
To Obtain Eevee: to obtain Eevee, the player must talk to Bill in Goldenrod City after meeting him in Ecruteak City. He will gift Eevee.
To Obtain Shuckle: to obtain Shuckle, the player must talk to an NPC in Cianwood City who will gift Shuckle.
To Obtain Tyrogue: to obtain Tyrogue, the player must defeat the Karate Master on Mt. Mortar who will gift Tyrogue.
Odd Egg: if the player talks to the Day Care Man, he will receive the Odd Egg which can hatch into any of the baby Pokemon (Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid, or Magby) with the special move Dizzy Punch.
To Obtain Bulbasaur / Charmander / Squirtle: to obtain one of the Kanto starters, the player must obtain all 16 badges and defeat Red then talk to Professor Oak who will allow the player to choose one of the three Kanto starters.
To Obtain Treecko / Torchic / Mudkip: to obtain one of the Hoenn starters, the player must obtain all 16 badges and defeat Red then talk to Steven in Silph Co in Saffron City who will allow the player to choose one of the three Hoenn starters by picking their respective color—green for Treecko, red for Torchic, and blue for Mudkip.
To Encounter Lugia: to encounter Lugia the player must talk to an old man in Pewter City to obtain the Silver Wing and travel to the bottom of Whirl Island where Lugia resides.
To Unlock the Tin Tower / Encounter Ho-Oh: to unlock the Tin Tower and battle Ho-Oh, the player must capture Suicine, Entei, and Raikou which allows entry to the Tin Tower and the player receives the Rainbow Wing from the Wise Trio. Travel to the top of Tin Tower to encounter Ho-Oh.
Event Pokemon:
Celebi Event: if the player obtains an event Celebi and places it in their party, they can activate a special event at the shrine in Ilex Forest. Celebi transports the player three years into the past somewhere in Route 22 where they witness Giovanni and Silver discussing after Giovanni defeated Red in Pokémon Red/Blue. Celebi then transports the player to a cave in Tohjo Falls behind the waterfall where they witness Giovanni listening to the broadcast Archer and the other admins sent out at Goldenrod Radio Tower. Giovanni plans to join them by answering the call but sees the player and battles him. After his defeat, Giovanni leaves and the player is transported back to Ilex Forest present day.
Arceus Event: if the player obtains an Arceus and places it in their party, they can activate a special event at the Ruins of Alph. The Unown respond to Arceus’ presence and appear to transport the player to the Sinjoh Ruins which takes inspiration from both the Ruins of Alph in Johto and the Spear Pillar in Sinnoh. The player meets Cynthia who leads the player to the Mystri Stage in the Sinjoh Ruins where the player can have Arceus create Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina which will be given to the player.
Spiky-Eared Pichu Event: if the player obtains a special Pikachu-colored (“shiny”) Pichu, they can activate a special event at the shrine in Ilex Forest. A spiky-eared Pichu will appear and interact the Pikachu-colored Pichu and end up joining the player’s party. If the spiky-eared Pichu is brought to Professor Elm, he will reveal that Professor Oak once wrote about Celebi and Time Travel in a research paper he presented at a conference which implies that the spiky-eared Pichu has been affected by traveling so far through time with Celebi.
Emerald (2005)
An enhanced version of Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire that features additional content:
Additional story content throughout the game that focuses on both Team Aqua and Team Magma with additional areas such as Magma Hideout, Marine Cave, and Terra Cave.
Additional areas such as Mirage Tower and Desert Underpass
Pokemon animations
The Battle Frontier
Brendan is a young trainer who has just moved from the Johto region after Brendan’s father, Norman, becomes the leader of the Petalburg Gym. Brendan and his mother arrive in the moving truck at Littleroot town. Brendan’s mother suggests Brendan introduce himself to Professor Birch, a friend of Norman’s. Upon arriving at Birch's house, his wife greets Brendan, and upstairs Brendan meets May, the child of Professor Birch who will become one of the player's rivals.
After the introduction, May soon leaves to join Birch, who is out in the field. Brendan finds Birch on Route 101, where he is being chased by a Zigzagoon. Birch asks Brendan to take a Pokéball out of his bag lying on the ground which is a choice between one of three starter Pokémon—Grass-type Treecko, Water-type Mudkip, and Fire-type Torchic. Brendan uses the starter Pokémon to defeat the wild Zigzagoon and rescue Birch. Birch lets Brendan keep the chosen Pokémon as thanks for saving him. He then tells Brendan to meet up with May on Route 103 for pointers on how to be a Trainer.
Once Brendan finds May, they have their first battle, after which they return to Birch's lab, where Brendan receives a Pokédex and some Pokéballs and sends him on his journey to be a Pokemon trainer.
From here, Brendan travels across Hoenn to complete the Pokédex, battle Gym Leaders and collect Gym Badges with the ultimate goal to defeat the Elite Four and become the Pokemon Champion. Brendan encounters his rival May as well as Team Magma and Team Aqua who plan to awaken Groudon and Kyogre respectively in order to accomplish their goals of land and sea expansion.
To Obtain Kyogre: to obtain Kyogre, the player must defeat the Elite Four and then talk to the scientist at the Weather Institute who will inform the player of strong weather on one of the Routes. The player must travel to that area and find the entrance to the Marine Cave where they will encounter Kyogre.
To Obtain Groudon: to obtain Groudon, the player must defeat the Elite Four and then talk to the scientist at the Weather Institute who will inform the player of strong weather on one of the Routes. The player must travel to that area and find the entrance to the Terra Cave where they will encounter Groudon.
To Obtain Rayquaza: to obtain Rayquaza, the player must defeat the Elite Four and then reach the top floor of Sky Pillar (requires the Mach Bike) where they will encounter Rayquaza.
To Obtain Regirock / Regice / Registeel: to obtain the three Regi’s, the player must travel to the Sealed Chamber (requires Dive) on Route 134. Here, the player must solve puzzles by reading the Braille inscriptions which include using the move Dig and having a party with Relincath first and Wailord second. This will open up the locations for each of the Regis.
In the Desert Tomb on Route 111, the player must go left twice, down twice, and then use Rock Smash to solve the puzzle and encounter Regirock.
In the Island Cave on Route 105, the player must make two clockwise laps of the cave to solve the puzzle and encounter Regice.
In the Ancient Tomb on Route 120, the player must use the move Flash to solve the puzzle and encounter Registeel.
To Obtain Latias / Latios: to obtain Latias or Latios, the player must defeat the Elite Four, once they return home, they will be asked the color of the Pokemon seen on TV as either Red or Blue. This will result in either Latias (red) or Latios (blue) being encountered in the wild. The remaining Latias / Latios can be found on Southern Island with the use of an Eon Ticket.
To Obtain Castform: to obtain Castform, the player must talk to the scientist at the Weather Institute after stopping Team Aqua from taking over the Weather Institute.
To Obtain Lileep or Anorith: to obtain Lileep and Anorith, the player must travel to the Mirage Tower where they can obtain either the Root Fossil (Lileep) or Claw Fossil (Anorith). The player must take the fossil to a scientist in Devon Corporation in Rustboro City who will restore it to its respective Pokemon. The other fossil can be found in the Desert Underpass.
To Obtain Wynaut: to obtain Wynaut, the player must talk to a woman by the hot springs in Lavaridge Town who will gift an Egg which will hatch into Wynaut.
To Obtain Beldum: to obtain Beldum, the player must defeat the Elite Four and visit Steven’s house in Mossdeep City where a Pokeball containing Beldum is given.
To Obtain Johto Starter: to obtain a Johto Starter, the player must complete the Hoenn Pokedex then return to Professor Birch who will allow the player to pick one of the Johto starters: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile.
To Obtain Volt Tackle Pichu: to obtain a Pichu with volt tackle, the player must breed a Pikachu or Raichu (holding a Light Ball) and either another Pikachu or Raichu or Ditto in the Breeding Center. This will result in an Egg which when hatched will hatch a Pichu with the move Volt Tackle.
Rewards for Completing Battle Frontier from Scott:
Obtaining all 7 silver Frontier Symbols reward the player with a Lansat Berry from Scott.
Obtaining all 7 gold Frontier Symbols reward the player with a Starf Berry from Scott.
Silver Shield (decoration) can be obtained from Scott by winning 50 battles in a row at the Battle Tower
Gold Shield (decoration) can be obtained from Scott by winning 100 battles in a row at the Battle Tower
Event Pokemon:
Eon Ticket / Latias or Latios: to obtain Latias or Latios, the player must defeat the Elite Four, once they return home, they will be asked the color of the Pokemon seen on TV as either red or blue. The remaining Latias / Latios can be found on Southern Island with the use of an Eon Ticket which allows the player to travel to Southern Island via the S.S. Tidal where they will encounter either Latias or Latios, the opposite of which color (red or blue) was selected.
Old Sea Map / Mew: allows the player to travel to Faraway Island via the S.S. Tidal where they will encounter Mew.
Mystic Ticket / Lugia & Ho-Oh: allows the player to travel to Navel Rock via the Seagallop Ferry to capture Lugia and Ho-Oh.
Aurora Ticket / Deoxys: allows the player to travel to Birth Island via the Seagallop Ferry where they must complete a puzzle that involves chasing a black triangle around the island which results in an encounter with Deoxys. Deoxys will revert to Attack Form in FireRed or Defense Form in LeafGreen once captured.
Platinum (2008)
An enhanced version of Pokemon Diamond / Pearl that features additional content:
Additional story content throughout the game with Team Galactic, Looker (an International Police investigator), and Charon (a Team Galactic scientist)
Distortion World
Battle Park has been expanded to Battle Frontier with 5 facilities
Additional forms for Giratina, Shaymin, and Rotom
In Twinleaf Town, Lucas and rival Barry are invited to Professor Rowan’s lab. While on their way, they bump into Professor Rowan and his assistant Dawn who gives both Diamond and Barry a starter Pokemon—Grass-type Turtwig, Fire-type Chimchar, or Water-type Piplup. Lucas’ mom tells Lucas to visit Professor Rowan’s lab in Sandgem Town where Professor Rowan gifts Lucas a Pokedex and sends him on his journey to become a Pokémon trainer.
From here, Lucas travels across the Sinnoh region to battle Gym Leaders and collect Gym Badges in order to challenge the Elite Four and become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, Lucas encounters his rival Barry and Team Galactic who are attempting to summon Dialga/Palkia on Spear Pillar. Lucas also meets Looker, a member of the International Police who is investigating Team Galactic.
To Obtain Togepi: to obtain Togepi, the player must defeat the Galactic Grunts within Eterna City. Cynthia will then reward the player with a Pokemon egg which will hatch into Togepi.
To Obtain Eevee: to obtain Eevee, the player must go to Hearthome City to the house next to the Pokémon Center. The player will meet Bebe who will gift an Eevee.
To Obtain Porygon: to obtain Porygon, the player must go to Veilstone City in the northwest house where an NPC will gift a Porygon.
To Obtain Riolu: to obtain Riolu, the player must help Riley through Iron Island and defeat the Galactic Grunts. Riley will gift a Pokemon egg which will hatch into Riolu.
To Obtain Giratina: to obtain Giratina, the player must travel to the end of the Distortion World as part of the story progression.
To Change Giratina to Origin Form: to change Giratina to Origin Form, the player must obtain the Griseous Orb which can be found in Distortion World after revisiting through Turnback Cave. Giving the Griseous Orb to Giratina to hold will transform it to Origin Form.
To Obtain Uxie: to obtain Uxie, the player must quell Giratina as part of the story progression and then travel to Lake Acuity to encounter Uxie.
To Obtain Azelf: to obtain Azelf, the player must quell Giratina as part of the story progression and then travel to Lake Valor to encounter Azelf.
To Obtain Mesprit: to obtain Mesprit, the player must quell Giratina as part of the story progression and then travel to Lake Verity to encounter Mesprit who will flee and roam the Sinnoh region.
To Obtain the National Pokédex: to obtain the National Pokédex, the player must see all 210 Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex and then speak to Professor Rowan who will upgrade the Pokédex.
To Obtain Dialga: to obtain Dialga, the player must obtain the National Pokédex, then talk to Cynthia’s grandmother. The player must then find the Adamant Orb within Mt. Coronet. Upon returning to Spear Pillar, a blue portal will appear allowing the player to encounter Dialga.
To Obtain Palkia: to obtain Palkia, the player must obtain the National Pokédex, then talk to Cynthia’s grandmother. The player must then find the Lustrous Orb within Mt. Coronet. Upon returning to Spear Pillar, a blue portal will appear allowing the player to encounter Palkia.
To Obtain Heatran: to obtain Heatran, the player must obtain the National Pokédex, then complete the Stark Mountain sidequest. Heatran will then appear in Stark Mountain.
To Obtain Regigigas: to obtain Regigigas, the player must obtain the National Pokédex. The player then must have Regirock, Regice, and Registeel in their party and make their way down to the bottom floor of Snowpoint Temple where they will encounter Regigigas.
To Obtain Cresselia: to obtain Cresselia, the player must obtain the National Pokédex. The player then must go to Canalave City and talk to the Sailor who will sail the player to Full Moon Island in order to help the Sailor’s child who is having nightmares. The player will encounter Cresselia who will begin roaming the Sinnoh region.
Event Pokemon:
Members Pass / Darkrai: to obtain Darkrai, the player must use the Members Pass to enter the locked inn in Canalave City. The player must sleep in the bed where they will fall asleep and wake up on New Moon Island where they can encounter Dakrai.
Oak’s Letter / Shaymin: to obtain Shaymin, the player must travel to the end of Route 224 where they will encounter Professor Oak and Marley. Once the player writes the name of the person they are grateful for, Shaymin will appear and unlock a path to the Flower Paradise where the player will encounter it.
To Change Shaymin to Sky Form: to change Shaymin to Sky Form, the player show a lady in Floaroma Town Shaymin (by having it first in the party) who will gift the player a Key Item Gracidea Flower. When used on Shaymin, it will change to Sky Form until returned to the PC or it faints.
Azure Flute / Arceus: to obtain Arceus, the player must travel to the Spear Pillar and play the Azure Flute. This will cause a staircase to appear where the player can encounter Arceus.
Secret Key / Rotom Forms: to unlock different Rotom forms, the player must obtain the Secret Key and travel to the Galactic Building in Eterna City. In the top left corner of the room, the Secret Key will open a hidden door where different appliances can be interacted with to transform Rotom into a different form.
Black & White (2010)
In Nuvema Town, the trio of Hilbert, Cheren, and Bianca receive a starter Pokémon—Grass-type Snivy, Fire-type Tepig, or Water-type Oshawott—from Professor Juniper. Hilbert also receives an Xtransceiver from his mom. The trio go to Professor Juniper’s lab and each of them receive a Pokedex, sending them on their journey to become a Pokémon trainer and complete the Pokedex.
From here, Hilbert travels across the Unova region to complete the Pokédex, battle Gym Leaders and collect Gym Badges in order to challenge the Elite Four and become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, Hilbert battles his rivals Cheren and Bianca as well as Team Plasma, led by Ghetsis and N, who are attempting to find the Dark Stone or Light Stone and awaken Zekrom or Reshiram respectively and liberate Pokémon.
To Obtain Pansage / Pansear / Panpour: to obtain Pansage / Pansear / Panpour, the player must travel to the Dreamyard and talk to a lady who will give one of the Pokémon depending on the starter Pokémon chosen.
To Obtain Larvesta: to obtain Larvesta, the player must travel to Route 18 where they will encounter a person in a red suit and hat who will gift the player a Pokémon egg.
To Encounter Darmanitan with Zen Mode ability: to encounter Darmanitan with Zen Mode ability, the player must travel to the Desert Resort where Professor Juniper will gift the player a RageCandyBar which can be used to awaken the Darmanitan which are in Zen Mode.
To Encounter Musharna with Telepathy ability: to encounter Musharna with Telepathy ability, the player must travel through the Dreamyard on Fridays to encounter Musharna.
To Encounter Volcarona: to encounter Volcarona, the player must obtain the National Dex and gain access to a new area of the Relic Castle in the Desert Resort. At the end of the Relic Castle, a Volcarona can be encountered.
To Encounter Cobalion: to encounter Cobalion, the player must travel through Mistralton Cave and reach the bottom level where Cobalion can be encountered.
To Encounter Terrakion: to encounter Terrakion, the player must first encounter Cobalion. This will open up a new cave near the top of Victory Road where Terrakion can be encountered.
To Encounter Virizion: to encounter Virizion, the player must first encounter Cobalion. This will open up a new area in the Pinwheel Forest where Virizion can be encountered.
To Encounter Tornadus (Black Only) / Thundurus (White Only): to encounter Tornadus or Thundurus, the player must obtain all 8 badges and head to Route 10 where they will be informed of a strange weather pattern in Route 7. On Route 7, the player will briefly encounter Tornadus / Thundurus who will fly away and start roaming Unova.
To Encounter Landorus: to encounter Landorus, the player must capture both Tornadus and Thundurus. With both Pokémon in the party, the player must travel to the Abundant Shrine on Route 14. The player will then encounter Landorus.
To Encounter Kyurem: to encounter Kyurem, the player must travel to the Giant Chasm. At the bottom level, Kyurem can be encountered.
Event Pokemon
Liberty Pass / Victini: if the player obtains the Liberty Pass, they can go to the Castelia City port and take a boat to Liberty Island. On Liberty Island, the player must fight through Team Plasma members and reach the basement of the lighthouse to encounter Victini.
Meloetta / Pirouette Forme: to unlock the Pirouette Forme of Meloetta, the player must obtain an event Meloetta and take it to Cafe Sonata in Castelia City. After the player talks to the guitarist, Meloetta can learn the move Relic Song which will allow the Meloetta to change into the Pirouette Forme during battle.
Zoroark Event: to unlock the Zoroark event, the player must have either Raikou, Entei, or Suicine in their party and travel to the end of the Lostlorn Forest. The lady will attack the player and reveal herself to be a Zoroark.
Zorua Event: to unlock the Zorua event, the player must have a special event Celebi from HeartGold/SoulSilver. With this Celebi in the party, the player must travel to Castelia City to the GameFreak building and interact with an NPC. The NPC will change from its illusion into Zorua and will be gifted to the player.
Black 2 & White 2 (2012)
Two years after the events of Pokémon Black.
In Aspertia City, Nate receives a starter Pokémon—Grass-type Snivy, Fire-type Tepig, or Water-type Oshawott—and a Pokédex from Bianca, who is now a research assistant to Professor Juniper. Nate then begins his journey to become a Pokémon trainer and complete the Pokedex.
From here, Nate travels across the Unova region to complete the Pokédex, battle Gym Leaders and collect Gym Badges in order to challenge the Elite Four and become the Pokemon Champion. Along the way, Nate battles his rival Hugh as well as the remnants of Team Plasma and a mysterious scientist Colress who are attempting to capture Kyurem, combine it with the power of Zekrom, and take over the Unova region.
Pokémon Stadium
The Pokémon Stadium series is a 3D Pokemon battle simulator which features the Transfer Pak which allows players to use their Pokemon from the Gen I Pokemon games in 3D battles.
Another staple of the Pokémon Stadium series is it’s mini-games.
Pokémon Stadium (1999)
Reward for Completing Gym Leader Castle: the reward for completing the Gym Leader Castle is a special gift Pokemon which can be: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Eevee, Omanyte, or Kabuto.
Unlock Round 2 (Hard Mode): to unlock Round 2, the player must complete the Pika, Petit, Poke, and Prime Cups and the Gym Leader Castle, This unlocks a battle with Mewtwo. Defeating Mewtwo will unlock Round 2.
Battle Mewtwo (Round 2): to battle Mewtwo (Round 2), the player must complete all cups and the Gym Leader Castle on Round 2 difficulty. This leads to a battle with Mewtwo (Round 2).
Alternate Title Screen: to unlock the alternate title screen, the player must defeat Mewtwo (Round 2).
Unlock Amnesia Psyduck: to unlock Amnesia Psyduck, the player must register all 151 Pokemon into the Hall of Fame by completing Gym Leader Castle with all 151 Pokemon.
Unlock Surfing Pikachu: to unlock Surfing Pikachu, the player must complete the Prime Cup MasterBall tournament in Round 2 with Pikachu in on the team and as one of the 3 Pokémon in the battle. This will allow the player to teach a Pikachu (must be from a Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow) the move Surf. In battle, this Pikachu rides a surfboard when it uses the move Surf. If evolved into Raichu, this Raichu will use its tail as a surfboard when it uses the move Surf.
Unlock Mew as a Rental Pokemon: Mew can only be used as a rental Pokemon in Round 2 Prime Cup.
Unlock “Hyper” Difficulty for Mini-Games: to unlock the “Hyper” difficulty for mini-games, the player must complete the “Who’s The Best?” match with 3 computer players on hard and win 5 games in a row with no losses.
Pokémon Stadium 2 (2001)
Unlock Round 2 (Hard Mode): to unlock Round 2, the player must complete the Little, Poke, Prime, and Challenge Cups and the Gym Leader Castle, This unlocks a battle with Rival. Defeating Rival will unlock Round 2.
Battle Rival (Round 2): to battle Rival (Round 2), the player must complete all cups and the Gym Leader Castle on Round 2 difficulty. This leads to a battle with Rival (Round 2).
Alternate Title Screen: to unlock the alternate title screen, the player must defeat Rival (Round 2).
Unlock Baton Pass Farfetch’d: to unlock Baton Pass Farfetch’d, the player must defeat the Round 1 Rival Battle.
Unlock Earthquake Gligar: to unlock Earthquake Gligar, the player must defeat the Round 2 Rival Battle.
Unlock Surfing Pikachu, Mew, and Celebi as a Rental Pokemon: Surfing Pikachu, Mew, and Celebi can only be used as a rental Pokemon in Round 2 Prime Cup.
Unlock “Very Hard” Difficulty for Mini-Games: to unlock the “very hard” difficulty for mini-games, the player must complete the mini-game championship under the hard difficulty playing for at least 7 tokens.
Pokémon Legends Arceus (2022)
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