
Developed by Satoshi Tajiri with artwork by Ken Sugimori. Game Freak.

Core elements of Pokemon include:

  • Catching, training, and battling Pokemon in turn-based battles

  • Defeating Gym Leaders for Gym Badges

  • Two versions of the same Pokemon game which have version-exclusive Pokemon thereby requiring the use of the Link Cable in order to capture every Pokemon.

The Pokemon series can be categorized into:

  • Core Series which can be categorized into Generations and includes enhanced ports and remakes.

  • Pokemon Stadium

  • Pokemon Legends

Core Series

Pokemon Red / Blue (1996)

  • An enhanced version Pokemon Yellow was released on the Gameboy.

  • A remake FireRed / LeafGreen was released on the GBA and is based on the Gen III engine. It includes additional post-game content The Sevii Islands

Pokemon Silver / Gold

  • An enhanced version Pokemon Crystal was released on the GBA

  • A remake HeartGold / SoulSilver was released on the 3DS and include additional post-game content

FireRed & LeafGreen (2004)

Red is an eleven-year-old boy who has just started his journey as a Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town, on the same day as Green, who is Red's rival and the grandson of the local authority on Pokémon, Professor Oak. Oak lets the two boys choose a first partner Pokémon—a choice from the Grass-type Bulbasaur, the Fire-type Charmander, or the Water-type Squirtle. Oak also gives them a Pokédex and asks them to catch all the Pokémon in the region.

Stopping in Viridian City's Poké Mart, Red is asked to deliver a package to the professor which is revealed to be a Pokédex. Oak gives Red and Green a Pokédex and asks them to use it to study and find new Pokemon.

From here, Red travels across Kanto to battle Gym Leaders and collect Gym Badges with the ultimate goal to defeat the Elite Four and become the Pokemon Champion.

Along his journey:

  • Red encounters Team Rocket in Mt. Moon where Red can obtain either a Helix Fossil or Dome Fossil

  • Red frees Bill from his transformation into a Pokemon. Bill gives Red a ticket to board the S.S. Anne, a luxury ship.

  • Red defeats a Team Rocket grunt on Nugget Bridge who is recruiting members and another Team Rocket grunt who just robbed a house for the TM Dig.

  • Red obtains the Bike Voucher from the president of the Pokemon Fan Club.

  • On the S.S. Anne, Red helps the captain with his seasickness and receives the HM Cut in return. This allows him to face and defeat the Vermillion City Gym Leader Lt. Surge.

  • Travels through Diglett’s Cave to obtain HM Flash which is essential to traverse through Rock Tunnel.

  • In Lavender Town, the Pokemon Tower is haunted by a ghost that prevents Red from going further up the tower.

  • Red travels to Celadon City and encounters Team Rocket at the Rocket Game Corner which turns out to be a Rocket Hideout. He defeats the Team Rocket boss, Giovanni who leaves behind a Silph Scope. Red also obtains Tea at the Celadon Mansion which opens up the road to Saffron City.

  • With the Silph Scope, Red is able to identify the ghost at Pokemon Tower as a deceased Marowak spirit and save Mr. Fuji from Team Rocket. Mr Fuji gifts Red a PokeFlute which he can use to awaken two Snorlax that are blocking the route to Fuchsia City.

  • Red obtains HM Surf in the Kanto Safari Zone and also recovers the Safari Zone Warden’s Gold Teeth which rewards Red with HM Strength.

  • Back in Saffron City, Team Rocket has taken over Silph Co.. Red infiltrates Silph Co and defeats Giovanni once again. The president of Silph Co. gifts Red the Master Ball.

  • Red defeats the Fighting Gym and obtains either a Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee.

  • Red travels through the Power Plant where he encounters Zapdos.

  • Red travels through Seafoam Islands where he encounters Articuno.

  • Red reaches Cinnabar Island where he must traverse the Pokemon Mansion in order to find the key to the Cinnabar Island Gym. He also revives the fossil he obtained in Mt. Moon.

  • Back in Viridian City, the Gym Leader is revealed to be Giovanni. Red defeats Giovanni who vows to disband Team Rocket and disappears.

  • Now with eight Badges, Red travels through Victory Road to reach the Pokémon League at Indigo Plateau.

  • Red defeats the Elite Four and the current champion Green.

  • Red ventures through Cerulean Cave where he encounters Mewtwo.

The Sevii Islands

Bill requests Red’s help in a small region south of Kanto called the Sevii Islands. On One Island, Red meets Bill’s friend Celio who is attempting to connect the islands’ PC system to Kanto.

Red travels to Two Island to deliver a meteorite from Celio and where the daughter of the owner of the Joyful Game Corner has gone missing, and in Three Island where a group of invading Bikers are causing trouble. After defeating them and finding the lost girl, Lostelle, who is in Berry Forest,

Professor Oak then asks Red to travels through the additional 4 Islands to discover additional Pokemon. Meanwhile, there is some more work that Celio needs to do on his network machine, as he wishes to link the network to the Hoenn region. The signal, however, is not strong enough, and he needs the Ruby and the Sapphire, two items found in the Sevii Islands, to strengthen it. He asks Red to retrieve the two items.

Red helps Lorelei defeat some Team Rocket grunts on her hometown on Four Island. Red finds the Ruby deep in a cave in Mt. Ember, which Team Rocket grunts have set up as a hideout. Red also encounters Moltres. Red finds the Sapphire lies at the deepest part of the Dotted Hole in Ruin Valley however it is stolen by a Scientist named Gideon, who takes it back to Team Rocket's warehouse in the Five Isle Meadow.

Red infiltrates the warehouse and defeating the remaining Rocket Admins, who realize that Giovanni has disbanded Team Rocket. They do, however, vow to return one day, and bring Team Rocket back to its former glory. Gideon reluctantly gives back the Sapphire and Celio is able to link the network to the Hoenn region.


To Obtain the Everstone: to obtain the Everstone, the player must capture 20 Pokemon in their Pokedex and meet Oak’s Aide on Route 10 on the 1st floor of the Pokecenter.

To Obtain the Itemfinder: to obtain the Itemfinder, the player must capture 30 Pokemon in their Pokedex and meet Oak’s Aide on Route 11 on the 2nd floor of the lookout station.

To Obtain the Amulet Coin: to obtain the Amulet Coin, the player must capture 40 Pokemon in their Pokedex and meet Oak’s Aide on Route 16 on the 2nd floor of the lookout station.

To Obtain the Exp Share: to obtain the Exp Share, the player must capture 50 Pokemon in their Pokedex and meet Oak’s Aide on Route 15 on the 2nd floor of the lookout station.

To Obtain Eevee: to obtain Eevee, the player must enter the back entrance of Celadon Mansion and acquire the Pokeball containing Eevee.

To Obtain Lapras: to obtain Lapras, the player must talk to the scientist after defeating their rival at Silph Co.

To Obtain Old Amber and Aerodactyl: to obtain Aerodactyl, the player must obtain HM Cut which allows the player to obtains the Old Amber from the Pewter Museum of Science via a back entrance.

To Battle Raikou / Entei / Suicine: the player must complete the Sevii Islands post-game content by obtaining the Ruby and Sapphire for Celio. Depending on which starter Pokemon the player selects, Raikou / Entei / Suicine will begin roaming the Kanto region.

To Obtain Togepi: the player must travel to the Water Labryinth and talk to an elderly gentleman who will gift the player with a mysterious egg which will hatch into Togepi.

To Unlock Cerulean Cave / Battle Mewtwo: to unlock the Cerulean Cave which allows access to encounter Mewtwo, the player must defeat the Elite Four and complete the Sevii Islands post-game content by obtaining the Ruby and Sapphire for Celio

Event Pokemon:

  • Mystic Ticket: allows the player to travel to Navel Rock via the Seagallop Ferry to capture Lugia and Ho-Oh.

  • Aurora Ticket: allows the player to travel to Birth Island via the Seagallop Ferry where they must complete a puzzle that involves chasing a black triangle around the island which results in an encounter with Deoxys. Deoxys will revert to Attack Form in FireRed or Defense Form in LeafGreen once captured.

Pokemon Crystal (2001)

Three years after the events of Pokemon Red / Blue.

In New Bark Town, Gold is called to Professor Elm's lab to run an errand. Elm provides Gold with one of three Pokémon: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile to help him reach Mr. Pokémon's house. Gold meets Kanto's own Professor Oak during the errand for Elm. Oak sees that Elm gave Gold a Pokemon and gifts him a Pokédex while Mr. Pokemon gives Gold the Mystery Egg to bring to Professor Elm.

On the way back, Gold battles Silver who was previously spying on Professor Elm. Upon Gold’s return to New Bark Town, he is informed that someone i.e. Silver has broken into Professor Elm's lab and has stolen a Pokémon, the same Pokémon that Silver battled with. Seeing that Oak gave Gold a Pokédex, Elm then encourages him to start his Pokemon journey into becoming the Champion.

From here, Gold travels across Johto to battle Gym Leaders and collect Gym Badges with the ultimate goal to defeat the Elite Four and become the Pokemon Champion.

Along his journey:

  • Gold battles through Sprout Tower where he encounters Silver as well as the Sage who gives Gold HM 05 Flash.

  • In Azalea Town, Gold battles Team Rocket who have taken over the town and it’s Slowpoke Well and have been cutting off Slowpoke Tails to sell as food. Gold also battles Silver once again. Gold befriends Kurt who can make different Pokeballs from Apricorns.

  • Gold helps the Charcoal Maker’s Apprentice find his Farfetch’d in Ilex Forest, earning HM 01 Cut in the process.

  • Gold hatches the Mystery Egg into Togepi.

  • Gold visits the Goldenrod Radio Tower in Goldenrod City.

  • Gold participates in the Bug-Catching Contest in the National Park.

  • Gold receives the Squirtbottle which allows him to battle the Sudowoodo blocking Route 36.

  • In Ecruteak City, Gold visits the Burned Tower where he battles Silver and awakens Suicine, Entei, and Raikou who begin roaming Johto. Gold also meets Eusine, a trainer who is obsessed with Suicine.

  • Gold battles the five dancers at the Dance Hall in Ecruteak City to obtain HM 03 Surf.

  • Gold heals a rancher’s Miltank with berries and receives Moomoo Milk.

  • In Olivine City, Gold meets Gym Leader Jasmine at the Olivine City Lighthouse where she is tending to a sick Ampharos. Jasmine asks Gold to travel to Cianwood City to retrieve medicine. Gold picks up HM 04 Strength while in Olivine City.

  • Gold surfs to Cianwood Island where he receives the Secret Potion medicine, battles Eusine, and is gifted a Shuckle. Gold also obtains HM 02 Fly after defeating Gym Leader Chuck.

  • Gold returns to Olivine City where he gives Jasmine the medicine and defeats her.

  • Gold also participates in the optional Battle Tower in Olivine City.

  • Gold explores the Ruins of Alph, solving puzzles to release different Unown.

  • In Mahogany Town, Gold encounters Team Rocket again who are using radio frequencies to artificially induce evolution at the Lake of Rage. Gold encounters a Red Gyarados rampaging the lake. Lance arrives to investigate and enlists Gold’s help. They discover a secret Rocket Base in a Souvenir Shop in Mahogany; they defeat the Rocket Executive found in the hideout and knock out the Electrode powering the machine producing the radio waves.

  • Professor Elm then calls Gold and tell them about unusual broadcasts from the Radio Tower in Goldenrod City. When Gold reaches the city, it is revealed that Team Rocket has taken over the Radio Tower, their intent being to try to contact Giovanni and persuade him to return to the organization. Furthermore, the Director of the Goldenrod Station has been kidnapped and replaced by an impostor. After Gold defeats the impostor, he tells the location of the real Director; the player then frees the real Director and receives the Card Key, which opens the door on 3F of the Radio Tower and leads to the Rocket Executive currently in charge of the group. Gold defeats the executive and Team Rocket officially disbands for a second time. The Director rewards the player with a Clear Bell.

  • In Blackthorn City, Gold defeats Gym Leader Clair however she refuses to yield her badge, instead forcing Gold to obtain the Dragon Fang in the Dragon’s Den where the elder’s gift Gold a Dratini and force Clair to give Gold her badge.

  • With all 8 badges, Professor Elm gifts Gold the Master Ball.

  • On Mt. Mortar, Gold battles the Karate Master who gifts Gold with Tyrogue.

  • Gold battles through Victory Road, encountering Silver once again, before proceeding to the Indigo Plateau where he battles and defeats the Elite Four.

  • After defeating the Elite Four, Elm rewards Gold with the S.S. Ticket which allows Gold to travel to the Kanto region via a boat from Olivine City to Vermilion City.

  • In Kanto, Gold collects the 8 Kanto Gym Badges while recovering a missing machine part to the Power Plant which restores power to the Magnet Train that runs from Saffron City to Goldenrod City as well as restores power to the Kanto Radio Station (previously the Pokemon Tower) in Lavendar Town.

  • In Pewter City, Gold is gifted the Silver Wing which allows Gold to encounter Lugia at the Whirl Islands in Johto.

  • With the Clear Bell, Gold is able to enter the Tin Tower in Ecruteak City, where Suicine battles him. After Gold captures Entei and Raikou, the Wise Trio of the Tin Tower gift Gold the Rainbow Wing which allows Gold to battle Ho-Oh at the top of the Tin Tower.

  • With all 16 badges, Professor Oak allows Gold to travel to Mt. Silver where Gold battles Red from Pokemon Red / Blue


To Obtain Dratini with Extreme Speed: to obtain Dratini, the player must defeat Clair and undergo the test in the Dragon’s Den. If the player answers correctly, stating that Pokémon are friends, rather than tools, they will receive a special Dratini with the special move of Extremespeed. If the player answers that Pokémon are just tools, they’ll receive a Dratini without Extremespeed.

To Obtain Lapras: to obtain Lapras, the player must travel to the bottom of Union Cave on Fridays.

To Obtain Eevee: to obtain Eevee, the player must talk to Bill in Goldenrod City after meeting him in Ecruteak City. He will gift Eevee.

To Obtain Shuckle: to obtain Shuckle, the player must talk to an NPC in Cianwood City who will gift Shuckle.

To Obtain Tyrogue: to obtain Tyrogue, the player must defeat the Karate Master who will gift Tyrogue.

Odd Egg: if the player talks to the Day Care Man, he will receive the Odd Egg which can hatch into any of the baby Pokemon (Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid, or Magby) with the special move Dizzy Punch.

To Battle Lugia: to battle Lugia the player must talk to an old man in Pewter City to obtain the Silver Wing and travel to the bottom of Whirl Island where Lugia resides.

To Unlock the Tin Tower / Battle Ho-Oh: to unlock the Tin Tower and battle Ho-Oh, the player must capture Suicine, Entei, and Raikou which allows entry to the Tin Tower and the player receives the Rainbow Wing from the Wise Trio. Travel to the top of Tin Tower to battle Ho-Oh.

Event Pokemon:

  • GS Ball: once the player obtains a GS Ball from an attendant at the Pokemon Center in Goldenrod City, they can bring it to Kurt in Azalea Town to have him inspect it. The next day, Kurt will notice something strange happening in Ilex Forest and return the GS Ball to the player. Take the GS Ball to the shrine and place it in the shrine in order to battle Celebi.




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