Modern Warfare (Call of Duty)
Creator(s): Infinity Ward | Release: 2007-2011, 2019-Present
Modern Warfare is a sub-series of the Call of Duty series that serves as a departure from the World War II setting of previous entries. Each entry in the series builds upon the previous entry with recurring characters—most notably Captain Price and Soap.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011)
Modern Warfare runs on the IW (Infinity Ward) game engine which was upgraded with each subsequent entry into the MW3 engine for Modern Warfare 3.
Notable Design Implementations
The campaign features cinematic style events that occur during gameplay and in-game making the whole experience dynamic.
Some campaign levels have you play as other characters who end up dying at the end of the level.
Best missions across the whole series:
MW1: “Crew Expendable”, “All Ghillied Up”, “Mile High Club”
MW2: “Cliffhanger”, “The Gulag”, “Second Sun”, “Whiskey Hotel”, “Loose Ends”, “Endgame”
MW3: “Turbulence”, “Return to Sender”, “Iron Lady”, “Dust to Dust”
A reboot of the series was released starting in 2019.
Modern Warfare (2019)
Modern Warfare II (2022)
Modern Warfare III (2023)