Justice League (2001) / Justice League Unlimited (2004)


JL Secret Origins 1-3: origin story of the Justice League, introduces Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, J’onn, Hawkgirl. The Flash was previously seen STAS episode “Speed Demon”

JL Starcrossed 1-3: introduces the Thanagarian army and their commander Hro Talak and his advisors Kragger and Paran. Reveals that the Flash is Wally West. Features the Batcave which includes a giant Penny, the Scarface doll, a Joker card, Dr. Freeze’s gun, the Riddler’s hat. At the end, the league votes on whether to allow Hawkgirl to rejoin but she quits before the decision is revealed. In JLU “Wake The Dead”, it is revealed that Superman broke the tie and voted to allow Hawkgirl to rejoin.

  • JLU Hunter’s Moon (POST JLU Episode “Wake The Dead”): features Paran Dul and Kragger whose mind does not work well after J’onn went into his mind during the JL episode “Starcrossed”. Reveals that after the events of JL episode “Starcrossed”, the Thanagarian empire lost the war and Hro was killed in the final battle.

  • JLU Shadow of the Hawk (POST “The Once and Future Thing”): references Warhawk who is the son of John Stewart and Shayera. Introduces Hawkman. Introduces the Shadow Thief

  • JLU Ancient History

JLU Initiation: introduces Green Arrow and Captain Atom. Features Supergirl. Cameos many other superheroes including Black Canary, Vixen, Zatanna, etc.

JLU The Once and Future Thing: introduces Chronos. re-introduces Jonah Hex from BTAS “Showdown” and introduces Bat Lash, Ed Diablo, and Sheriff Ohiyesa Smith. Also introduces Static Shock, future Batman, and Warhawk (the son of John Stewart and Shayera). Also cameos Hal Jordan Green Lantern.

JLU Far From Home: introduces the Legion of Superheroes and the Fatal Five.

Lex Luthor, Grodd, & Injustice Teams

JL Injustice for All: Lex Luthor has an incurable disease due to carrying Kryptonite for long-term. He forms an Injustice Gang to fight the Justice League which introduces the Humanite, Cheetah, Copperhead, Shade, Star Sapphire, and Solomon Grundy. Also cameos the Joker

JL Brave and the Bold: introduces Gorilla Grodd and Gorilla City

JL Secret Society: Re-introduces Grodd who gained mental powers after what happened to him in “Brave and the Bold” which he references. Grodd is building a new team to fight the Justice League which includes returning characters Shade, Sinestro, Parasite, and Clayface. It also introduces Giganta and Killer Frost. Cameos cardboard cut outs of Darksied, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Mxyzptlk, and the robot from Zeta Project.

JLU I Am Legion (POST “Divided We Fall”): Grodd breaks Lex Luthor out of prison.

  • Cameos a Blackhawk fighter pilot from JL episode “A Savage Time”

JLU Chaos At The Earth’s Core: features Metallo.

JLU To Another Shore: features Giganta. J’onn leaves the JL at the end to live amongst humanity.

JLU Dead Reckoning: introduces Boston Brand. Reveals that Gorilla Grodd’s ultimate plan was to turn everyone into gorillas. Lex Luther overthrows Grodd.

JLU The Great Brain Robbery

Green Lantern & Hawkgirl

JL War World: introduces Mongul. We see the beginnings of Green Lantern and Hawkgirls relationship

  • JLU For The Man Who Has Everything: features Mongul and introduces the Black Mercy plant

JL Legends: introduces an alternate universe with the Justice Guild of America. Further develops Green Lantern and Hawkgirl’s relationship

JL Hearts and Minds: features Kilowog, introduces Katma, the Legion of the Third Eye, and Despero, their leader. Katma was GL’s old mentor in the Green Lantern Corp and they were romantically involved. Katma references Kyel Rayner from Superman who got Absur’s power ring in “In Brightest Day”. Further develops Hawkgirls and GL’s relationship

JL Wild Cards: features the Joker. Introduces the Royal Flush Gang including Ace. Hawkgirl and GL become romantically involved.

Green Lantern

JL Blackest Night: cameos the Green Lantern Corp including Kilowog who appeared in Superman.

JL Metamorphasis: introduces Rex Mason, an old war friend of GL and his transformation into Metamorpho

Wonder Woman

JL Paradise Lost: introduces Hades and Felix.

JL Fury: introduces Aresia, an Amazonian who is trying to kill all the men, and Tsukuri. Cameos old Injustice Gang members: Copperhead, Solomon Grundy, Star Sapphire, Shade from “Injustice for All”

JLU Hawk and Dove: introduces Ares and Hephaestus and The Annihilator


JL The Enemy Below: re-introduces Aquaman and tells how he lost his arm

JL The Terror Beyond: features Aquaman, Dr Fate, Solomon Grundy. Reveals origin story of Solomon Grundy as well as his death. Introduces the Old Ones and explained the background of Atlantis sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

JLU Wake The Dead (POST “The Terror Beyond”): feature the return of Solomon Grundy from the dead and references

Vandal Savage

JL The Savage Time 1-3: introduces Vandal Savage and Steve Trevor. Further develops Green Lantern and Hawkgirl’s relationship

JL Maid of Honor: features Vandal Savage and the country of Kasnia and how Princess Audrey becomes Queen of Kasnia

JL Hereafter: features Vandal Savage. features Superman’s Rogue Gallery of Toyman, Livewire, Metallo, Weather Wizard, and Kalibar. Cameos the Metropolis PD Commissioner Maggie Sawyer. Cameos the Green Lantern Corp including Katma, Kilowog, Kyle Rayner, Bibbo, Orion, Aquaman, Mera, Dr. Fate, Batgirl, and Supergirl. Also features Lobo. References Supergirl and Metamorpho. Features Deadshot, Star Sapphire, Copperhead, Volcana. Features Ray Palmer.


JL Twilight: features Darkseid and Brainiac, introduces New Genesis. Continues Darkseid’s quest for the Anti-Life Equation.

JLU The Ties That Bind (POST JLU “Twilight”): introduces Mr. Miracle (who was one of the Highfather’s sons that was traded to Apokolips as part of the treat), Barda, and Oberon. Return of Granny Goodness and Kalibak. Introduces Virman Vundabar who takes over Apokolips after Darkseid disappears at the end of JL episode “Twilight”

JLU Alive & Destroyer: introduces Metron. Return of Darkseid

Etrigan / Morgaine El Fey / Mordred

TNBA The Demon Within: Introduces Mr. Jason Blood and his demon alternate Etrigan. Also introduces Mr. Klarion. References Morgaine Le Fey

JL A Knight of Shadows: introduces origin story of Jason Blood & Etrigan. Also introduces Morgaine Le Fey and her son Mordred.

  • JLU Kids’ Stuff: features Morgaine El Fey and Mordred and Etrigan. Cameos Cheetah, Copperhead


JLU Fearful Symmetry: introduces Question. References multiple events from STAS episode “Legacy 1 & 2” including Supergirl being treated at STAR labs by Dr. Hamilton. Cameos General Hardcastle from STAS episode “The Prometheon” who did not like Superman. General Hardcastle references Volcana, the Royal Flush Gang, and foreshadows Cadmus. Introduces Galatea who is an evil Supergirl clone. Reveals that Dr. Hamilton is behind Galatea.

JLU Ultimatum: features the Ultimen. Introduces Maxwell Lord. References Professor Hamilton who helped create the Ultimen. Introduces Amanda Waller.

JLU The Cat and the Canary: introduces Black Canary and Wild Cat. Black Canary references Green Arrow always staring at her from previous episodes. Introduces Atomic Skull.

  • JLU Grudge Match

JLU The Doomsday Sanction:

  • References multiple events from JL episode “A Better World” including Lex Luthor who announces his candidacy for presidency and Doomsday who was lobotomized by Justice Lord Superman

  • References General Hardcastle’s rogue operations in STAS episode “Legacy”, namely Project Achilles

  • Cameos Dr. Milo from BTAS episode “Moon of the Wolf” who is also a member of Cadmus and working on splicing animal and human DNA together. Dr. Milo also references Dr. Langstrom from BTAS episode “On Leather Wings”.

  • Reveals the origin story of Doomsday.

  • Cameos General Eiling who was first seen in JLU episode “Dark Heart”. Dr. Emile Hamilton from Star Labs in STAS, and Professor Hugo Strange from BTAS episode “The Strange Secret of Bruce Wayne”

  • Introduces Tala who foreshadows the events in JLU episode “Task Force X” where they steal the Annihilator armor that was seen in JLU episode “Hawk and Dove”.

  • Cameos the Phantom Zone Projector from STAS episode “Blast from the Past”.

JLU Task Force X: introduces Colonel Rick Flagg and Task Force X which is comprised of Captain Boomerang, Deadshot (previously seen in JL episode “The Enemy Below”), Plastique, and the Clock King from BTAS episode “The Clock King”. In the Watchtower storage unit, catch a glimpse of Lex Luthor’s armor, the energy disruptor ray from JL episode “A Better World”, and possibly Toyman’s armor from JL episode “Hereafter”.

JLU The Balance: features Felix Faust and references events that happened from JL episode “Paradise Lost”. Introduces Hermes. The Annihilator armor is destroyed in the end.

JLU Double Date: introduces the Huntress and her origin story.

JLU Clash: cameos Parasite and Metamorpho and Lois Lane. Introduces Captain Marvel.

JLU Question Authority, Flashpoint, Panic in the Sky, & Divided We Fall:

  • Cameos Mantis, a supervillain from Apokolips. Reveals that Superman and Lois Lane are romantically involved. Lois Lane references events from STAS episode “Legacy” and JLU episodes “Clash”, “Dark Heart”. Question also finds footage of Superman killing Lex Luthor from JL episode “A Better World”. Reveals that Lex Luthor has somehow been cured from his Kryptonite disease and now has super strength. References the watch that Superman gave Jimmy Olsen which emits a high frequency emission to call Superman. Reveals that General Eiling forces Captain Atom to rejoin the military and thus fight against the Justice League.

  • Superman also finds out that Professor Hamilton is working for Cadmus where he references events from STAS episode “Legacy”

  • Cameos the Creeper as a part of the Justice League.

JLU Patriot Act: features General Eiling who becomes a super-powered villain

JLU Epilogue


JL Tabula Rasa: features Lex Luthor and cameos Mercy, Lex Luthor’s old bodyguard. Introduces Amazo

JLU The Return: features Amazo, the Green Lantern Corp, Oa, and several Green Lanterns including Kyle Rayner. References Lex Luthor’s Kryptonite Disease from “Injustice for All” as well as him being released from all charges after the events of “A Better World”. Features Steel from “Heavy Metal” (STAS). Features Hawkgirl at the end who is staying with Dr. Fate. Introduces Atom.


JL Only A Dream: cameos Deadshot, Joker, Lex Luthor, the Humanite, Gorilla Grodd, Shade, Star Sapphire, Cheetah,  Solomon Grundy, Copperhead, Luminous, Volcana, and Firefly. Origin of Dr. Destiny

JL A Better World: introduces the Justice Lords, introduces Doomsday. Cameos Joker, Two-Face, and Scarface in the other reality. Superman references when he built a robot of himself in “Legacy”. The Batcave cameos the outfits of Batman, Robin, Batgirl, and Nightwing

JL Eclipsed: features Mirror Master, Captain Boomerang, and

JL Comfort and Joy: references Kara and Barbara. Features the Ultra Humanite

JLU This Little Piggy: features Zatanna. References Intergang, the Iceberg Lounge, and Dr. Fate. Introduces Circe, B’wana Beast. Cameos Medusa, the embodiment of Justice, River Styx, and Charon.

JLU The Greatest Story Never Told: introduces Booster Gold, the Dark Lord Mordru

JLU Dark Heart: introduces the Dark Heart which will be used by Cadmus later. Reveals that the Watchtower has a beam-like weapon which becomes a point of contention by Cadmus. Features Atom who was seen in The Return but actually introduced here.

JLU Flash & Substance: features Flash’s rogue gallery




Superman The Animated Series (1996)