Wish (2023)

A Disney original story.

King Magnifico and his wife Queen Amaya establish the kingdom of Rosas on an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Having studied sorcery, Magnifico is able to grant the greatest desires of his subjects; each of them give up the memory of their wishes to be sealed and protected by the king until he can grant them. Once a month, as a ceremonial event, Magnifico chooses one wish to be granted (“Welcome to Rosas”).

17-year-old Asha prepares to interview for the job of Magnifico's apprentice on the day of her grandfather Sabino's 100th birthday, hoping that Magnifico will grant Sabino's wish. The interview goes well (“At All Costs”) until Asha requests for Sabino's wish to be granted, which Magnifico declines, seeing Sabino’s wish to inspire people as elusive and a potential threat to his power. Asha realizes Magnifico never intends to return the ungranted wishes to their owners, and when she questions his methods, Magnifico refuses to accept her apprenticeship or grant any of her family members' wishes.

Asha tries but fails to convince Sabino and her mother Sakina that Magnifico is deceiving them. Distraught, she makes her own wish on a star (“This Wish”). To her surprise, the star descends from the sky in the form of an anthropomorphic ball of light, which Asha names Star. Star's magic gives the forest animals, including Asha's pet goat Valentino, the ability to talk (“I’m a Star”), prompting Asha to enlist Star's help in retrieving her family's wishes. Everyone in the kingdom senses Star's presence, and Magnifico feels threatened by it. Despite Amaya's pleas, he turns to forbidden dark magic to maintain his position of power as his subjects begin to doubt his way of ruling (“This Is the Thanks I Get?!”).

Asha retrieves Sabino's wish and he is overjoyed to be able to remember it, but Magnifico arrives to arrest them, having been informed that Asha was responsible for Star's summoning. Corrupted by the dark magic, Magnifico intends to use Star's magic and Rosas' wishes to increase his own power, forcing Sabino and Sakina to flee to a nearby island while Asha, Star, and Valentino stay behind to free the citizens' wishes. One of Asha's friends, Simon, is revealed to be the one who sold Asha out to Magnifico in hopes that his wish to become a knight would be granted. Magnifico grants the wish, but additionally bewitches Simon into being his henchman in capturing Asha.

Asha rallies her other friends Dahlia, Bazeema, Dario, Gabo, Hal, and Safi (“Knowing What I Know Now”). Amaya also joins them, having discovered Magnifico's corruption. While her friends infiltrate Magnifico's study and open up the ceiling to free the wishes, Asha tries to distract Magnifico, only to be tricked by a disguised Simon, whom she defeats with the animals' help. Magnifico ascends the castle's tower, absorbing the power of every wish and trapping Star. Asha attempts to stop him but is easily overpowered as Magnifico blocks out the sky and immobilizes the citizens, preventing them from wishing on stars.

Unwilling to give up, Asha encourages the citizens to make a wish about changing Rosas' future. The strength of their collective desire eventually overpowers Magnifico, whose magic turns against him by trapping him inside his staff's mirror, while the citizens regain their sealed wishes with a newfound appreciation of pursuing them.

Amaya becomes the sole ruler of Rosas, helping the citizens make their wishes come true on their own. A regretful Simon is forgiven by Asha and her friends. Star gifts Asha with a magic wand so that she can inspire people to keep dreaming before returning to the sky among the other stars.


Wish is inspired by Disney's centennial, tying together a theme of most Disney films: wishes coming true. The film is noted to be the origin story for the "wishing star".

Visual Style

  • The art style combines computer animation with the look of traditional animation.

Easter eggs

  • Asha’s friends are based on the seven dwarfs from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

  • It’s implied that Asha becomes the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella.

  • It’s implied that Magnifico becomes the Magic Mirror from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

  • A poisonous apple appears in Magnifico’s lair and references the apple from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

  • Aurora’s dress from Sleeping Beauty makes a cameo in a villager’s wish.

  • Peter Pan from Peter Pan makes a cameo as one of the villager’s.


Donkey Kong


Super Mario