Luigi’s Mansion

Luigi’s Mansion (2001)

Luigi is notified about winning a mansion in a contest he never entered. He informs Mario and they agree to meet up at the mansion that evening. Luigi follows a map to the mansion, located in a dark forest, and finds it more sinister-looking than the supplied photo. With Mario nowhere to be found, Luigi enters the mansion alone.

He encounters a ghost, which attacks him, but is unexpectedly saved by Professor Elvin Gadd (E. Gadd) who unsuccessfully tries to deter the ghost with a vacuum cleaner. They escape as more ghosts appear. Professor E. Gadd explains the mansion is supernatural in origin and only appeared a few days prior. E. Gadd tells Luigi that he saw Mario heading towards the mansion, but has not seen him since. Upon learning that Mario is Luigi's brother, E. Gadd entrusts Luigi with his ghost-hunting equipment, the Poltergust 3000 vacuum cleaner and Game Boy Horror communication device, as the latter re-enters the mansion to find Mario.

As Luigi explores the mansion, he discovers that it was created by King Boo to shelter the now-freed special ghosts that E. Gadd had previously captured and turned into paintings with a large machine dubbed the "Ghost Portrificationizer". King Boo subsequently sent the false notification of Luigi winning the mansion to lure the Mario Bros. into a trap in retaliation for the Boos they defeated in the past.

Working his way through each of the darkened floors, halls and locked rooms, Luigi recaptures the escaped ghosts, 50 Boos, and discovers that Mario has been trapped inside of a painting by King Boo and held captive in a secret ritualistic altar in the mansion's basement. While recapturing the last of the ghosts, Luigi finds the key that unlocks the altar's entrance and confronts King Boo, who, now disdainful over Luigi capturing his minions, pulls Luigi into the painting. Using his illusionary powers within a pocket dimension inside it, King Boo creates a suit-like replica of Bowser to combat Luigi.

Using the replica’s abilities against it, Luigi is able force King Boo out of it and defeat him. Returned to the real world in the aftermath, Luigi finds Mario unconscious but still trapped within the painting, which he triumphantly carries out of the mansion. Returning to E. Gadd's laboratory in the morning, he informs Luigi that the mansion has ceased to exist as they turn King Boo into a painting along with the last of the recaptured ghosts. Using the Ghost Portrificationizer's reverse function soon after, Luigi and E. Gadd free Mario from his painting.

In an epilogue, as a sign of gratitude towards Luigi for all his help, E. Gadd has a new non-haunted house for him built on the former site of the mansion. Its size depends on how much treasure Luigi had collected on his adventure.


Reward for Capturing 50 Boos: if the player captures all 50 Boos, they will be rewarded with a large diamond.

Unlock Hidden Mansion Mode: to unlock Hidden Mansion mode (hard mode with a different mansion layout), the player must complete the game once.


Songwriting of Joel Houston (Hillsong UNITED)

