Artifacts of Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones is a professor of archeology, expert on the occult, and obtainer of rare antiquities.

The Ark of the Covenant

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

  • According to the Bible, the Ark was a wooden chest used by the ancient Hebrews to carry the broken pieces of the Ten Commandments, the budded staff of Aaron, and a pot of manna. When the Hebrews settled in Canaan, they put the Ark in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem where it stayed for many years. The Ark was rumored to possess great supernatural powers as the Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions

  • In 980 B.C. Shishak, an Egyptian Pharaoh, invaded the city of Jerusalem and took the Ark back to the city of Tanis in Egypt. He hid it in a secret chamber called the Well of Souls.

  • About a year after Shishak had returned to Egypt, Tanis was consumed by the desert in a sandstorm which lasted a whole year.

  • In order to find the location of the Well of Souls, the headpiece for the Staff of Ra must be brought to a special map room in Tanis that contains a miniature of the city all laid out on the floor. The staff must be a certain length and must be placed at a certain place at a certain time of day so that the sun will shine through the crystal on the top of the staff and reveal the exact location of the Well of the Souls.

    • The headpiece contains several engravings that indicate that the staff needs to be ~60 inches in length. The inscription reads “six kadam high and take back one kadam to honor the Hebrew God whose Ark this is”.

  • When the Ark is opened, it released spirits, flames, and bolts of energy which eliminated all those looking before closing itself.

Sankara Stones

The Sankara Stones are based on similar stones called Lingam or Shiva-Linga which are quite commonly used in Hindu religion. A lingam is a representation of Shiva and used for worship in Hindu temples.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

  • The Sankara Stones are smooth stones with three lines across it that represent the 3 levels of the universe. The stones contained diamonds inside, which would glow when the stones were brought together. The stones could provide warmth and life, but the stones could also light on fire.

  • According to a centuries old manuscript, Sankara was a priest who climbed Mount Kalisa where he meets Shiva, the Hindu god. Shiva told Sankara to go forth and combat evil. To help him, Shiva gave him 5 sacred stones with magical properties.

  • Over the centuries, the stones were dispersed by war and sold off by thieves.

  • Two of the Sankara Stones were hidden in the catacombs underneath Pannkot Palace. They were hidden there by a Thugee priest when the British raided the temple.

  • Three of the Sankara Stones were found in the Indian village of Mayapore where it had brought happiness and prosperity to the village. These three stones were taken by the Maharajah of Pankot, who stole them when the people of Mayapore refused to worship the Pankot god. The Thuggees believe that once they acquired all 5 stones, they would be all powerful. When the sacred stone was taken, the village wells dried up, the river turned to sand, the crops were swallowed by the earth, and the animals laid down and turned to dust. There was also a fire in the fields and the women were crying in darkness.

The Holy Grail

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

  • According to Arthurian legend, the Holy Grail was the chalice used by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper and was also used to catch Christ’s blood at his crucifixion, after the Spear of Longinus pierced his side. It was entrusted to Joseph of Arimathea.

  • After it was entrusted to Joseph, the Grail disappeared and was lost for a thousand years before it was found again by 3 knights of the First Crusade who were also brothers. These brothers swore an oath to find the grail and guard it until another worthy knight would come to guard it.

  • Two of these brothers walked out of the desert 150 years after having found the Grail and began the long journey back to France but only one of them made it. Before dying of extreme old age, he imparted his tale to a Franciscan friar who chronicled the tale in a manuscript. Although the manuscript does not reveal the location of the Grail, it does indicate that 2 markers that had been left behind by the knight would reveal the location of the grail.

    • The 1st marker was a mid-12th century Christian sandstone of early Latin text that was unearthed in the mountain region north of Ankara. The top half of the sandstone was lost. The remaining inscription read: “…who drinks the water I shall give him, says the Lord, will have a spring inside him welling up for eternal life. Let them bring me to the your holy mountain in the place where you dwell. Across the desert and through the mountain to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon, to the temple where the cup that holds the blood of Jesus Christ resides forever.”

    • The 2nd marker was an inscribed shield entombed with the knight’s dead brother Sir Richard which was located in a catacomb beneath a library (formerly a church) in Venice, Italy. The complete inscription indicates that the path to the Grail begins in the city of Alexandretta.

      • The Knights of the First Crusade laid siege to the city of Alexandretta for over a year and the entire city was destroyed. The city of Iskenderun was built on its ruins.

  • In the temple, the Holy Grail is guarded by 3 challenges:

    • “The Breath of God. Only the penitent man will pass.”

    • “The Word of God. Only in the footsteps of God will he proceed.”

    • “The Path of God. Only in the leap from the lion’s head will he prove his worth.”

  • The Holy Grail is believed to give eternal life to whomever drank from it. It also had the power to heal any injuries and clear any infections or diseases, giving sustenance and hydration to the drinker. The Grail ends up being a simple cup however it cannot pass beyond the Great Seal or else the temple will be destroyed.

Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull

  • Thirteen elongated skulls resided in the ancient kingdom of Akator with unearthly origins embodying the gods of the Ugha who were interdimensional beings collecting artifacts from across human civilizations. These interdimensional beings tasked the Ugha tribe 7000 years ago to build a giant city out of solid gold in the Amazon. This city was called Akator which conquistadors called El Dorado, or “city of gold”. The interdimensional beings taught the Ugha tribe agriculture and had advanced technology that would not be seen again for 5000 years.

  • There are a number of crystal skulls in the world, some are fake and others are real.

    • Adventurer Frederick Albert Mitchell-Hedges claimed to have discovered a crystal skull and it was believed to be a manmade deity carving of Mesoamerican culture such as the Aztecs or Mayan. It was composed of quartz.

    • One crystal skull was recovered in 1947 from the wreckage of an unknown object that had crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. This is believed to be another interdimensional beings different from the thirteen residing in Akator.

    • Two other true crystal skulls were dissected from similar crash sites in the Soviet Union. These are believed to be another interdimensional beings different from the thirteen residing in Akator.

  • In 1546, Francisco de Orellano, a conquistador, disappeared into the Amazon looking for Akator. Unbeknownst to many, he successfully found Akator and stole one of the 13 crystal skulls. Eventually he died and was buried in a hidden grave in a cemetery in Nazca, Peru near the Nazca Lines along with the stolen crystal skull.

  • According to legend, whoever returns the skull to the city temple will be given control over its power. The skull communicates to certain individuals and reveals the path to Akator in order to be returned, Joseph Stalin believed the real crystal skull could be used as a mind weapon. The skull’s crystal stimulates an undeveloped part of the human brain, opening a psychic channel.

Antikythera / Archimedes Dial

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

  • In 213 BC, Roman forces led by Marcellus laid siege to the city of Syracuse, Sicily. Amongst the defenders of the city was Archimedes who was a mathematician, inventor & engineer. Archimedes had figured out that the movements of the moon and planets weren’t perfect; there were irregularities in their rotations. He thought these irregularities could explain fluctuations in temperature, tides, and storms. He built the Antikythera to predict these fluctuations and discovered temporal meteorology i.e. a way to predict fissures in time, thereby allowing for possible time travel. However, it’s revealed that Archimedes had created the Antikythera in the hopes that people from the future would use it to travel back to his time and fight off the Romans during the Siege of Syracuse. As a result, the Antikythera only provides coordinates to return to 213 B.C.

    • The first hemisphere of the Antikythera sets the destination, the second hemisphere of the Antikythera calculates the location of the fissure in Alexandrine coordinates.

  • During the siege of Syracuse, Archimedes disassembled the Antikythera in two and hid the two halves from the Romans.

  • Later the Romans would obtain one half of the Antikythera as well as the Grafikos, which is a tablet written in a code called Polybius that contains directions to the second half. While sailing to obtain the second half, the Roman ship containing one half of the Antikythera and the Grafikos was shipwrecked in the Aegean Sea.

    • The Grafikos reveals that the second half of the Antikythera is in Archimedes’ tomb which is located in the Ear of Dionysius cavern in Sicily.

  • In 1902, Greek sponge divers found the wrecked Roman warship off the coast of Greece and obtained one half of the Antikythera however they did not recover the Grafikos as it had sunk deeper.

  • In 1944, the discovered half of the Antikythera was found in a castle in the French Alps and was believed to be lost in the river. However it was hidden by Indiana Jones.



